Tuesday, 15 March 2011

The Other Mother's Secrets

Answer this question using PEE:

How do the Other Mother's secrets make the reader feel about her character?


Point: a full sentence answer to the question
Evidence: a quotation which supports your point
Explanation: explain how your quotation proves your point, start with 'This shows...' or 'This implies...'


  1. callum and jake15 March 2011 at 11:47

    p= shes hiding a key.

    ev= she swallowed the key so coraline can not get out.

    ex= this shows that coraline is not going nowhere.

  2. louis and michael (benie)15 March 2011 at 11:55

    P The other mothers secrets make the reader feel scared.
    EV 'The other mother reached up hand and removed a small, brass, front door key from her toung.
    EX this shows that the secret is very disturbing and scary and could easly scare people.

  3. Callum and Jake you need to remember that your point should be a full sentence answer to the question.

  4. callum and jake15 March 2011 at 11:57

    p= the other mother stole her real parents.

    ev= the other mother told her that they went away but they did not.

    ex= this shows that the other mother has stole her real parents.

  5. Alex A, Iestyn D,luke D15 March 2011 at 11:58

    The secrets the other mother keep from them makes her seem sinister.
    "Now I think your being silly dear I love you and I always will,no-one beleives in ghosts anyway."
    this showsw she is sinister and mean.

  6. A good PEE answer Louis and Michael. Remember to use quotation marks and also try to explain why the secret makes her seem scary.

  7. the other mothers secrets make the reader feel scared because when coraline tells her that there are ghosts behind the mirror the other mother acts like nothing happened "there were children in there"said corraline "were there" which gives the idea that the other mother was trying to hide it from corraline and that she wasnt ment to know.

  8. Well done David and Russel. Now try to explain in more detail how the language in your quotation supports your point.

  9. Lauren Lizzie Legg15 March 2011 at 12:06

    P=the other mother is being bad and selfish person because her life is so bad she thinks its ok to mess up someone elses because hers is basicly messed up.
    E=she is keeping coraline at her other house and wont let her go so she can ruien corranine life
    P=this shows that she wants to ruin corralines life

  10. P = The other mother is keeping the key from Coraline because she does not want Coraline to get out to c her real perants.

    Ev = The other mother reached up hand and removed a small brass front door key from her tounge

    Ex = This shows that the other mum and dad do not want Coraline to exscape and go home top her real perents!

  11. Lauren, remember your point should be a full sentence answer to the question. Have another try...

  12. Alex A, Iestyn D, Luke D15 March 2011 at 12:10

    The secrets that the other mother keeps from her makes her seem sinister
    "Now I think your being silly dear I love you and I always will no-one beleives in ghpsts anyway."
    This shows she is sinister and mean because she tells Coraline that there are no ghosts but she is lying because there are ghosts in the mirror

  13. Well done Chelsei, remember your quotation needs quotation marks "..."

  14. Libbie and Jess15 March 2011 at 12:12

    Jessica and libbie =]<3

    P:The other mother makes the reader feel scared and want to know what happens next.
    EV:"Is there a key said coraline and the mother just stood there.
    EX:This shows she doesnt want coraline to leave and is keeping her trapped forever (well trying to).

  15. callum and jake15 March 2011 at 12:12

    p= the other mother's secrets make the reader feel scared
    ev= the other mother saids that there are no ghosts in the house.
    ex= this shows the other mother said that there was no ghosts in the house but there is.

  16. B3an13 and l0u1515 March 2011 at 12:14

    The other mothers secrets make her seem sinister.
    "It must be because they became bored with you, or tired."
    this shows that she wants coraline to her self and try and turn her into her self. :)

  17. Aimee + Katrina15 March 2011 at 12:14

    The other mother has coralines real parients.
    'whatever would i have done with your old parients? If they left you, coraline, it must be because they became bored of you, or tired.'
    This showes she is guilty and that she dousn't want coraline to live with her real parents, that she wants coraline to live with her instead.
    She wants coraline to live with her because she is lonely.

  18. Lucy, Bethany, Alex M15 March 2011 at 12:15

    P- "It must beacuse they beacme bored with you or tired" this show that the other mother is trying to make coraline stay by lying to her about the fact that her parnets don't like her but the thruth is that the other mother stealed her parents.

    Ev- Coraline know that the other mother stole her parents so she knows that the mother other stole them

    Ex- the other mother stole the parents

  19. p:the other mother makes us and evry boddy els feel scard
    e:she swolows a black key that is gros
    e:for that i think that is deskusting creepy.

  20. P- The lies that the other mother tells makes the reader feel uneasy as she could have many other lies.

    Ev- "Silly, silly coraline your parents are fine where ever they are"

    Ex- this shows that the other mother is lying beacuse she kidnspped the parents

  21. The other mothers secrets makes me feel scared "she swolled the black key" This shows shows she is meen and doesnt want coraline to get out.

  22. Excellent work, well done all of you!

    A few key points to remember are: make sure you use the words from the question in your point and you explain how your evidence supports your point.

  23. Alexander Aprea18 March 2011 at 13:44

    P:The other mother has lot's of secret's but dosn't want to tell a few to coraline.
    EV:She as secret's about the people she has trapped there.
    EX:This shows that her stupid head is full of secret's and trappes for coraline(light bulb)

  24. Alexander Aprea18 March 2011 at 13:54

    P:She likes to lie about a lot of things.
    EX:She lied about the ghost children in the cubord.
    EX:This shows that she has lot's of lies as well in her ugly head.
    (oh by the way she could really use a make over plus a path) (!another light bulb!)
